Square Dancing, Anyone?

About a month ago, we were invited to go square dancing at a friend’s house. Now, the Jonas family never does anything half-heartedly. If we were going to go square dancing, we were going to do our best to look like square dancers – or at least a cheap imitation of country hicks 😉

The children were very excited at this new adventure. They immediately started plying us with questions about square dancing. The last time I square danced was in high school. For Jim, it hadn’t been since Junior High. I managed to remember how to dosado, but that was all. So when Emery called and asked Jon about square dancing, he was told 3 things:

#1 Square dancing is done by square people.
#2 You have to wear denim and flannel.
#3 You have to allemande left.

Super mom (that’s me) couldn’t do much to make us all square. But the denim and flannel, that I could do! After throwing in a few french braids, a couple of cowboy boots, and many bandanas (note to self, we have too many pink bandanas, and not enough “manly” colors), we were ready for the photo. Jade isn’t in the picture, as she didn’t have any plaid baby clothes.

By the way, a quick google search and I was also able to teach them to allemande left as well. In this photo, Fletcher and I are “promenading” while Colter is really enjoying himself.

Part of my mentality is that when you’ve got a large family, you are automatically a spectacle. You might as well be an interesting spectacle, right? So – did we pull it off?




Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

3 thoughts on “Square Dancing, Anyone?

  1. Your article is adorable! I would like to know if you would give me permission to post your picture on my website, SquaredanceFundamentals.com?

    There would be a brief caption and the viewer will be taken to your blog when they click on the picture.

    You may contact me at jonesstreetusa@yahoo.com

    Are you Mormon? Catholic? Whatever you are, congratulations on your wonderful family.

    Cynthia Jones

  2. Thanks, Cynthia. It is nice to know that others can find enjoyment from my kids the way I do.

    Nope, I’m neither Mormon nor Catholic. I do trust Jesus as my Savior and trust God with my family size. Although, I admit that I always wanted a large family – which does make it easier to trust Him 🙂


  3. Hi, PJ!

    You are posted on the “Lifestyles” page of the website, Squaredance Fundamentals.com

    Thank so much again for your permission to use the photo.

    God Bless Your Family

    Cynthia Jones

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