Eighth Child Syndrome

Have you seen that thing that goes around the internet about multiple children? It goes something like this:

First child: you boil and sterilize the pacifier

Second child: you wash the pacifier under running water

Third child: you wipe the pacifier off on your sleeve

People are always sending me stuff like that (I can’t imagine why 🙂 I get a general chuckle out of them since they are very true.

Here are two photos that show how bad things can get for the eighth child 🙂



In the first photo, Brett had been holding Jade so I could take a video of Jim and Colter playing together. Apparently she got bored and set her down in the mulch on the playground.

In the second photo, it was Jim who set her down on the concrete.

Lest you worry, she was always being supervised. But Brett never would have been set on the ground in such a manner.

Of course, my children also now run barefoot through the animal pastures. Maybe I should boil and sterilize their feet?