Piggy Banks Everywhere

Our local bank ran an advertisement in the newspaper. Fortunately for us (and unfortunately for them) we saw it. It said something like this: Bring in your child or grandchild and get a free piggy bank. The first time you fill it up and bring it in we will match the funds up to $25 dollars each.

Yee hah! $25 x 8 children is a free $200. All for just cashing in the children’s change. I work harder just getting out of bed in the morning.

Eager to claim their banks, the children pressed Daddy. So, Jim stopped by the bank on his way home from work. When he got there, only the drive through was open. He pulled up and asked them for eight piggy banks. Apparently she thought he was just trying to get some free piggy banks, because she gave him the run around and then told him he would have to come in during regular hours. But for some reason she asked Jim his name. When he told her, “Jim Jonas,” she said, “Oh!!! You’re the one with all those kids. Just pull around to the side and I’ll bring them right out for you.” (See, we’re famous 😉

Jim brought the piggy banks home and was greeted with lots of squealing (from the children, not the piggy banks). This was followed by a stampede to find all the change they could. We later had a “bank day” where mom let them cash in their dollar bills for all the change I had in my change jar. I think the children have even managed to get Grandma to bring her change jar when she visits near Christmas.

So now the piggies sit. All lined up in a row. They are currently on Jim’s dresser and they stare at me all the time. It is very disconcerting to be stared at by 8 piggy bank eyes. I think I may turn them around to face the wall. But then Hewitt will probably demand they face the right way again. I think we need to put up a dedicated piggy bank shelf in the boys’ room. Then the piggies can stare at the boys.




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