My Husband, My Hero

Jim and I have a weekly date night. It involves putting the children to bed and sitting in front of the television watching a television show. I’m not quite ready to admit which show I have become addicted to – but I will tell you that it is on Thursday evenings. I look forward to my guilty pleasure and my time with my husband all week.

Well… on a Thursday a few weeks ago (the week prior to season finales), the power went out! I immediately started to panic as it was already 5:00 and I only had a few hours til date night. I started calling all around and found out that most of our neighbors were also without electricity. A call to the electric company discovered that a transformer had blown and they did not know when it would be fixed.

I called Jim and told him the dreadful news and then set to praying. My show starts at 9:00, but I like to get up to the tv room at 8:00 (ok – I watch that show by myself before Jim joins me for our 9:00 date). Wow – all sorts of confessions for this blog entry.

6:00 – no power.

6:30 – no power.

7:00 – no power.

By this point I’m trying to reach somebody with a VCR to tape it for me – no success. Jim still wasn’t home yet.

7:58 – Jim pulls in the driveway.

7:59 – the power comes back on!!!!

I run upstairs, thank God, and sit down in front of the television, a happy person.

The next morning, however, I go outside to discover this:

Yes, that’s Jim’s truck parked ON my front porch. It turns out that my loving husband had figured out a backup plan. He was going to hook up our small tv to the cigarette lighter in his truck – through our bedroom window so we could still have our date night.

Is that love, or what?




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