Creating Addictions

I’ve been very fortunate in my life to have had very few addictions. I don’t like coffee, I’ve never smoked, and I’m not a drinker. My biggest life-long addiction has always been books. I just can’t seem to start a book and not finish it in one sitting. This usually causes me to stay up to 3 am reading. It’s terrible. Jim gets so mad at me.

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Another recent addiction has been chocolate. In that case – it was mostly Jim’s fault.  The amount of chocolate that man would bring home was insane. And after having eight children and not drinking caffeine, I got hooked on the stuff.

After a while, I told Jim he had to do something about it. In typical Jim fashion, he found a large tackle box and locked all the chocolate up in it. Only he knows the combination. If we want to bake something with chocolate – we’ve got to notify Jim first. It’s been a huge success – I haven’t had a chocolate craving in weeks.

Generally, addictions are not very good things and I try to avoid them.

But I admit – I’m creating an addiction in my two year old. Indigo is becoming hooked on scents. She is constantly going around sniffing my soap. Her favorite is lilac. I think she thinks that lilac means “smells great” or something like that because any soap scent she likes she calls lilac.

Here is a photo of her with her nose pressed to a soap log that hasn’t been cut into bars yet.


Alas – I fear I’m setting her up for a life long addiction to good scents. She’s going to be in trouble someday when she becomes a mom and has a house full of boys!




Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

3 thoughts on “Creating Addictions

  1. Oh, that is to cute! I will never forget coming to your house and having Indigo offer me lots of (peppermint) soap to smell.

  2. Hey, check out It’s a site I put together to try to make reading online almost as nice as reading an actual “dead tree” book. I like readong, too, so it was a fun project to work on. There are tons of public domain books available online, so I’ve been adding books when I can. I’m adding some Horatio Alger books now.

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