Sample Girl

When we cut our soap into bars, there are small pieces left over that we cut into samples. We place the individual bars of soap on the curing racks, and the samples on a separate rack.

Indigo has decided that it is her job to carry all the samples to their shelf. She calls herself “sample girl”.

The other week I was cutting soap and handing her the samples. After a little while, I noticed that she was scraping the samples with her fingernails and putting grooves in them. I told her she needed to stop and if she didn’t that I wouldn’t let her be sample girl anymore. She was fine with that and stopped scraping them.

But… apparently Hewitt overheard a portion of our conversation.

When I was done cutting the soap and we were preparing to place them on the drying racks, Hewitt started to pick up all the samples. This immediately brought forth squeals and protests from our dear sample girl.

Hewitt haughtily informed Indigo that she was no longer sample girl.

To which Indigo started screaming, “I AM SAMPLE GIRL! I AM SAMPLE GIRL!!!!”

Over and over… and over!

I finally managed to calm her down and informed both Indi and Hewitt that she was still sample girl.

So – when I was cleaning up the other day and found a sticker – I just couldn’t resist.

Introducing… SAMPLE GIRL!

In case you can’t make it out – the sticker reads “sample”. 😀




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4 thoughts on “Sample Girl

    • I know, we actually were just looking at how curly her hair was in this photo the other day. Indigo won’t let me cut her hair to see if it is still that curly. LOL PJ

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