What a Stinker!

About 2 am the other night, Jade started crying. I let her cry for a bit and then gave up. I got out of bed and got her a drink. She gulped the whole thing down so I gave her a kiss and went back to bed.

The moment I laid down, she started crying again. Except this time it was more of a scream. Since I knew her diaper was fine, she wasn’t thirsty, and she wasn’t sick, I ignored her. For over 30 minutes. Finally she won, and I got back out of bed.

When I went into the bedroom, Indigo was plastered next to Brett (where Jade usually sleeps). So I moved Indigo back to her spot next to the wall, and put Jade in the middle next to Brett. I didn’t even give her a kiss. I just went back to bed.

I never heard another peep out of her – the little stinker.