A Crazy Start to the Day

I’ve had a few people ask if I was feeling better, so I thought I’d give a short update. I think the last thing I wrote about my health was that I was diagnosed with pleurisy and given steroids, antibiotics, and codeine.

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Well, a few days later, I woke up at about 5:00 am. No children were awake, no goats were due to kid, everything was fine. I thought it odd that I woke up (which I never do unprovoked), so I rolled over to go back to sleep.

Within a few minutes, pain started to build in my chest. I started having difficulty breathing. I got instantaneously nauseous and clammy. At this point I woke Jim up and told him something was wrong and I thought we maybe needed to go to the ER.

Jim called friends of ours, and when the pain continued to intensify and I almost passed out while getting my shoes, Jim called an ambulance.

Fortunately they came without sirens on, so the children slept through the whole ordeal.

I was taken via ambulance to the ER, where an EKG showed that nothing was wrong with my heart (praise God!). Many tests later, I was sent home.

The Doctor at the ER thought I was having a kidney stone. My Doctor thinks it was a panic attack.

Me – I think it was all the drugs in my system, since my body is completely unused to pharmaceuticals.

Either way, after a couple of weeks, I can breathe normally, no more coughing, and no more chest pains. So I think I’m healed!

And just for the record – Jim was way more scared than I was.