Indigo Has a Crush

Indigo is in love…

with her cousin Sage…

and our friend, Samuel.

It is pretty funny watching her with Samuel. She jumps on him, gives him hugs, begs him to carry her everywhere, and cries when he leaves.

She is always asking me when he is coming again.

Sam is very musical and plays the piano very well.  One day when he was here, Mom asked him to play something pretty for her.  But he plays a lot of jazz and upbeat stuff, so he didn’t have anything “pretty” memorized.

Apparently, that bugged Sam, so he spent time learning a “pretty” piece of music just for mom.

Sam came over a few days ago, and played the piece for Mom.

Dad put Indi on the piano to listen to “her” Samuel play:

I think she liked it:

After Sam got up, Jade wanted to try sitting on the piano (Mom doesn’t let them climb up there, but Dad said it was ok this time, so she wasn’t going to miss her chance):

Mom really liked her music. It was the prettiest music I’ve ever heard Samuel play. 😀 Mom and I think that he should learn more pretty music. Maybe that will make Indigo like him even more!

Although I doubt that’s possible (look at those adoring eyes)! LOL
