What’s For Breakfast?

One morning about 2 weeks ago, Dad announced that he had a surprise for breakfast! All of the boys starting rushing to get their chores done:

1. Milk the goats
2. Clean their room
3. Get dressed

When they told Dad that they were finished, he told them to start eating.

They immediately started complaining saying, “But you said that there was a surprise for breakfast.”

Dad told them that the surprise was in addition to breakfast, not the whole of it. So we all started eating our cereal with goat milk (the boys doing it rather quickly).

Then Dad started doing something over by the toaster.

Have you figured out what he was making?? Here is a hint:


The boys and little girls had never had Pop Tarts before. So they had NO idea what they were in for.  (I had had one with my cousin once).

Not surprisingly, they loved them!!!





After we had them, we had a talk about how Pop Tarts taste good, but are not good for you.  Dad said it is OK to have them every once in a while, but that should not be the normal.

Thank you Daddy for letting us try Pop Tarts!!! We love you!!!





PJ adds – Jim and I try to make sure that the children are aware of things going on in the culture around them.  We just don’t want them addicted.