Dyed Eggs

We haven’t dyed Easter eggs in a long time.

But this year, Mom surprised us and bought eggs for us to dye.  Now, that might not sound like a big deal to some of you, but she didn’t buy just a couple of eggs.  She bought 8 dozen eggs!!  That was a dozen for each of us!

(It takes a really big pot to boil that many eggs).

This was the first time that Jade got to color eggs.  At first she wasn’t sure what was going on, then she really got excited about it.  She needed my help getting the eggs into and out of the cups.  But she decided which egg went into which color and how long they should stay in the dye.  She was even able to put the stickers on the eggs herself. She had a blast! 😀

On a side note, did you know that when you have 8 children placing 8 dozen eggs into 14 different cups of dye (all at the same time) it can get rather confusing? Especially when somebody puts one of their eggs on top of one of yours?

Mom says it builds organization skills.

We kept our eggs distinct by either marking them with our initial (using a white crayon) or by marking them with a special sticker combination.  Nobody wanted to take the chance that their egg would be confused with somebody else’s egg.


After all the eggs were dyed, we took a picture with our egg cartons:


Then Mom and Dad hid the eggs in the house and it was time for the hunt.  We all did really well.  You could only find your eggs, so if you saw one that wasn’t yours, you had to pretend not to see it.

Mom says with every egg hunt, there is always one egg that doesn’t want to be found.  (Unless you’re using plastic eggs, then they’re all easily found.)


Dad had hid the last egg we couldn’t find.  Fortunately, he remembered where he had hidden it:


Can you see it hiding in with the garlic?  Mom had to help us find it by saying if we were getting cold or warm (which is not easy when there are 8 children running in 8 different directions).

When we were done with the hunt, I had a photo shoot with the eggs. Everybody wanted me to blog about all of their eggs, and they hoped that everybody would get to see theirs.




For some reason I liked these three together.





More then half of the pictures I took have those three right in the front. 😀

Here they all are!



I think Indigo and Jade had fun, don’t you?
