Eight of Them

The three girls were snuggling in bed with us this morning. Indigo was with me and Brett and Jade snuggled with Jim.

Jade: “Dad, you have one child.”

Dad: “What about Brett?”

Jade: “ok, you have two kids, but that’s all.”

Dad: “Their names are Brettcoleemeryfletcher and Greyhewittindigojade.”

Jade: “No! Just Jade and Brett.”

Indigo: “What about me?”

Jade: “ok, three kids. Indigo, Brett, and me.”

Dad: “Their names are Indigo, Brett, and me?”

Jade: “No! Indigo, Brett and Jade. And that’s it. No more kids!”

Dad: “Well, go get dressed and milk the goats then.”

Jade: “ok, you also have Colter and Emery.”

Dad: “Then go wash all the dishes.”

Jade: “ok, you also have Greyden.”

Dad: “Then go start the laundry.”

Jade: “ok, you also have Hewitt.”

Dad: “Then go shred some laundry soap.”

Jade: “ok, you also have Fletcher.”

Dad: “Oh good. I have eight children.”

Jade: “Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!”