Build Your Platform with Michael Hyatt

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 016.
According to Michael Hyatt, the best time to build a platform is five years before you need it.  And yet, if you had told me in 2003 that in five years I would launch a successful goat milk soap business and that I would be reaching thousands of people I would have laughed at you.  Back then, I had no idea that building a platform would be useful to me.

PJ Speaking

So what about you?  Do you need to start building a platform? Do you have any idea where you’ll be in five years and what you’ll be doing?

Unless you have a crystal ball, the answer is no.

And because you can’t forsee the future, you should consider building a platform now.  If you’re not sure what I mean when I use the term “platform”, listen to this podcast episode where I interview Michael Hyatt, author of the best selling book, Platform.*  It is a book I recommend, especially if you’re not sure what the future holds.

Thanks for listening!  Join me next week as I talk about watching your words.


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