10 Thoughts Busy Moms Need To Know

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 077.
I’m sad to announce that this is the last episode of the Busy Mom’s Survival Guide for the forseeable future. I’ve been thinking and praying about this decision for a while and with Jim’s help, I’ve decided that I need to stop podcasting for now.  It’s my hope that by stopping the podcast, I can free up some time to catch up on some projects (for myself, for the family, and for Goat Milk Stuff) that have been needing my attention for quite a while now.

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During this episode, I share ten recurring themes that I found myself repeating during many of my podcast episodes.  They are not in any particular order, they are just some thoughts that I think all busy moms (including me) need to be reminded of periodically.

10 Thoughts

  1. Say No – to outsiders, to yourself, and to your children.
  2. Don’t be afraid – don’t live in fear of the unknown or of bad things happening.
  3. Don’t judge other moms or feel the need to compete with other moms.
  4. Enjoy your kids.
  5. Stay in the moment.
  6. Don’t expect perfection – from your kids, from your spouse if you have one, and especially not from yourself.
  7. Take care of yourself and don’t feel guilty for doing it.
  8. Live below your means and make sure you have enough margin.
  9. Train your children – it takes more time, but it’s worth the investment.
  10. Create systems for your life.

And most of all, remember to dream big!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has ever listened to this podcast and reached out to me.  It is a huge encouragement to me when something I share in this podcast makes a difference in someone’s life.  And remember, although I am not currently podcasting, you can still reach out to me!



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6 thoughts on “10 Thoughts Busy Moms Need To Know

  1. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your time, energy, and compassion that you dedicated to this podcast. All of your podcasts are on my ipod and when I feel I need some motivation or advice I know I can take 30 minutes max and get some encouragement. While I am really, really (really really) sad that you won’t be podcasting for a while (I am being hopeful!) I understand your decision. Actually I was taking one of my first bike rides (I attached a picture of the place I stopped to take a break) in a LONG time to take some time for myself while I listened to this last podcast. I have been struggling with letting go of some things in my life to free up more time for things I need to do for our family. I think it was the perfect time, your explanation and review of the important things that Mom’s need to remember helped me feel good about my recent decisions. Thanks for all you have done and I look forward to any future podcasts!

    • Beautiful spot! And good for you for taking time to refresh yourself! I said a prayer that you would continue to have peace about your decisions and not start to second-guess them!!

      I am definitely hoping to get back to podcasting. I keep finding myself saying “oh! I need to podcast about that next!” We’re praying about what to do with the customer service piece for GMS – emails/phone calls. If God has somebody to help me with that, you never know what might happen! 🙂 PJ

  2. I was so sad to hear that you will not be making podcasts for now; they were my favorite podcast and I will miss them. But I can re-listen to them, and I know you have to do what you have to do. And I realize it takes a lot of time to produce them, but I sure did look forward to them! Good luck with your book.

    • Thanks, Susan! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed them. Lord willing, I’ll get back to it at some point. 🙂 PJ

  3. Could you list a few helpful tips for getting out the door and arriving at places on time or even early, with a “large” family? This has always been a struggle for me, and I would love to conquer this!!

    • Laura – it is definitely an issue aroudn here as well. For me there are two main things I do.
      1. I don’t try to do that “one more thing” before we leave. There are more times than I like that I have to clean the house when we come back. But that “one more thing” inevitably is what makes us late.
      2. Whenever we have to leave we have our “goal time”, our “most likely time” and our “drop dead time”. These are pretty spread out. So for example, our church time is at 10am and it takes 30 minutes without traffic to get there. Our goal time is 8:30. If we make this time, I usually stop and grab donuts or something fun. Most likely time is 9:00 and Drop-dead time is 9:25. The children know they’re in big trouble if they cause us to miss drop-dead time.

      With how complicated our lives are, we almost never make goal-time because something always comes up. But most-likely time is regularly do-able and barring anything crazy, drop-dead time gets us there on time.

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