Gallons and Gallons of Milk

Every year we have lots of new baby goats born. Lots of baby goats drink lots of milk.

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As baby goats get bigger, they drink more, which makes them get bigger, which makes them drink more. It’s a never-ending cycle!  At least it’s a never-ending cycle until the babies are weaned.

When the boys finish milking the goats, we send some milk to the house for drinking, send milk to the soaproom for soapmaking, and feed the rest to the babies.  Because we give the babies as much milk as they want (more than their Moms would give them), we sometimes run out of milk. This year we retained more baby goats than we normally do, so once the babies finished all the milk, the boys could tell they would still drink more if we offered it.

We drove to the store and got a couple of gallons of whole milk for them.  The babies do very well with whole cow’s milk from the store (Mom won’t feed them milk replacer because she doesn’t believe it is good for them).

The next week, when those gallons were gone, we went and bought some more.

And the next week, we did it again.

As the babies got bigger, we started going to the store every three days. Then every two days. Then every day.

To keep our cans from overflowing with milk jugs, Greyden got some baling twine (from the hay the mama goats eat) and strung the bottles up.  It was a brilliant solution because now they wouldn’t blow away in the wind.

The next day, he got another section of baling twine.

By the time the garbage/recycling truck came, he had used over twenty pieces of baling twine, stringing up over 250 empty gallon milk jugs.

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I think Mr. Sweetland (our coach, good friend, and garbage/recycling man) was “impressed.”

Have you ever seen that many empty milk jugs?




Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

10 thoughts on “Gallons and Gallons of Milk

  1. With that many milk jugs, you could make a really awesome “igloo” . My kids LOVED reading in the igloo their teacher made.

    • There’s an idea that sends chills through me. LOL I can just see this giant igloo in my back yard! 😉 PJ

  2. Oh I just love the recycle pics and story. What an example to others. Your kidos are sooo creative.

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