
We have a pretty awesome garden here at Goat Milk Stuff. We love it so much, we wrote an entire blog series about it!


Last year we planted a whole bunch of sunflowers in our garden.


This year, we didn’t plant any.


But we still had sunflowers – volunteers from last year’s dropped seeds.


Aren’t they pretty?


We love our sunflowers. They make us happy when we walk to the soaproom each morning because we have to walk through them.

What’s your favorite flower? Do you have them planted somewhere?


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “Sunflowers

  1. I love my nasturtiums. Besides adding some color to my vegitable garden they are also edible. I love throwing the flowers into salads.

  2. The sunflowers are beautiful. It should feel like walking right through sunshine. I love flowers but have brown thumb.

    • Thanks, Janet – It’s amazing how cool it is under the sunflowers in the summer. We’re going to try to get some planted in the chicken’s pen next year so they have some shade. I personally can garden great outdoors, but definitely don’t do well with house plants! LOL PJ

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