Hazard and Heidi

During kidding season, things are busy at Goat Milk Stuff. Very busy. Prioritizing is key. Taking care of the goats is busiest in late winter/early spring. The soap room work is busiest October through the holidays. Making sure people are where they need to be can be a daunting task. Being at every goat birth is a hard task, but it is one we handle very well at Goat Milk Stuff.

Happenstance hardly showed that she was pregnant at all. She didn’t have the usual signs, besides a slight filling up of her udder. February 19th was a very cold morning. My brothers and I were wearing down from roughly 20 days of goat births and bottle feeding. We were in the middle of the morning milking when Greyden went to check on the stall with our goats that were on high alert. Happenstance had recently given birth to her two babies. We rushed them in the milk room to warm them up and get them clean. They were doing ok, but were obviously cold. We warmed them up fast and they seemed to be doing well.



We named the buckling Hazard and the doeling Heidi. Sorry we weren’t there Happenstance, but you did a great job without us!

2015 kid count: 29 doelings, 29 bucklings
2015 doe status (33 total): 25 does kidded, 8 left to go
2 set of quads, 8 sets of triplets, 11 set of twins, 4 singles

Signature Emery