Gaston and Gepetto

We were never sure if Galaxy was even pregnant until the last week before she kidded. She stayed rather under the radar and was very active during her pregnancy. Notoriously, Galaxy is a strange goat. She is never hanging around a certain goat crowd, or sleeping next to her siblings, or really doing anything that is consistent with our other goats behaviors. It was great to see her start bagging up as her babies were wanting to come out.

Our two year old first fresheners had done so well up to this point and we had hardly any problems with their births. Galaxy, as usual, did not fit our pattern! She was tight. She didn’t want to push. She wouldn’t stay still. All things that make our job more difficult! We should have expected this from Galaxy. Gaston came out first after Emery coaxed her into pushing and helping him. He was very tangled up but Emery always does a good job at straightening out the babies before the births become too complicated and can put the momma does at risk.

Gepetto was second out and he was so tangled up and wrongly positioned that we pulled him out breech (backwards of normal position). Galaxy was extremely happy to have her babies out. This was a tough one, but her two boys were happy and healthy. Good job Galaxy!

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Gaston and Gepetto

2015 kid count: 31 doelings, 32 bucklings
2015 doe status (33 total): 28 does kidded, 5 left to go
2 set of quads, 8 sets of triplets, 13 set of twins, 5 singles


Signature Greyden