How To Detox Your Armpits

Natural Deodorants to Detox Your Armpits

When my children were approaching the age when they would need to wear deodorant, I started doing some research. I was not pleased with what I discovered about the chemicals in traditional deodorants and the possible links to cancer. Anti-perspirants and traditional deodorants use many of the same chemicals that I avoid using in our goat milk soaps.

Greyden holding Cedarwood Natural Deodorant
"Yay! Arm pits are so happy! No irritation. Cedarwood scent is subtle. A sniff is a nice way to get a quick stay-cation if I’m busy in the house. I’ll def order this GMS item again!" - Christine T.

Harmful Ingredients in Commercial Deodorants

I don't think those chemicals are safe in soap and I definitely don't think they're safe in a product (such as deodorant) that you leave on your skin without washing off. Some of these ingredients include the following:

  • Aluminum– used to actually block your pores in your armpits so you can't sweat. This prevents your body from getting rid of toxins. It is also linked to Alzheimer's.
  • Parabens and Phthalates - We don't use these in our soaps and I don't want them on my armpits. They also have been linked to cancer and hormone trouble.
  • Propylene glycol - a petroleum-derived compound that I don't want to rub all over my body. Remember the blog post I wrote on avoiding petroleum jelly? That's why I don't want to use propylene glycol.
  • Formaldehyde - killing germs is not worth putting this carcinogen on my skin.
  • Triclosan (Antibacterial Ingredient) - I also wrote a blog post on why I won't use antibacterial compounds in my soap, and all of those reasons apply to deodorant as well.

Natural Deodorant You Can Trust

So after many months of testing, we created a natural deodorant with ingredients that I didn't worry about putting on my family's skin. It worked great for us and for all the people who helped us test the deodorant.

Jade with Rosemary Mint Natural Deodorant
"I love all your deodorants. They work for me and last a long time. The Rosemary Mint is a refreshing scent. Thank you for this wonderful product." - Andrea L.

(We actually have two deodorant formulas - one with and one without baking soda - since some people have sensitivities to baking soda. And in case you've ever wondered, there is absolutely no aluminum in baking soda. It can be in baking powder, but not baking soda. So no worries there!)

Citrus Tea Natural Deodorant Baking Soda Free
"I received and immediately began using my Citrus Tea Baking Soda Free Deodorant. I like the smell and it seems to be doing the job. I am training myself to use it more sparingly than my usual deodorant, and yes dabbing. Overall it's a thumbs up from me!!!!" - Susan S.

When we started selling the natural deodorants, I was a bit surprised to hear that a few people without allergies were having difficulty with rashes. So I started doing some extra research and discovered that for some people, the rashes were actually a sign of detoxification and not a direct allergic response to the deodorant.

Detoxing Your Armpits

It turns out that if you've been using a commercial deodorant for years, you may need to detox your armpits before switching to a natural deodorant. Otherwise the switch may cause a rash.

There are many different recipes on the internet for detoxing your armpits. Here is the one I tried:


  • 1 Tbsp bentonite clay
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1-2 tsp water


  • Mix ingredients together (use glass or wood, not metal)
  • Spread evenly over armpits
  • Allow to sit for 5-20 minutes
  • Wash off if it starts to hurt
  • Repeat as needed until natural deodorant doesn't cause irritation

So if you've either experienced a rash when trying our natural deodorant, or are concerned that you will, an armpit detox may be helpful not just with improving your adjustment to a natural deodorant, but also with detoxing some chemicals from your body.

Baby Powder Natural Deodorant
"Wow!! What a product! I love the Baby Powder Deodorant!! It keeps me fresh all day without having to reapply it. The scent is very comforting. Thank you Goat Milk Stuff!" - Bonnie T.

This has not been evaluated by the FDA.

9 Responses

Goat Milk Stuff

Caitlin- We only offer the Deodorant Baking Soda-Free option in the Citrus Tea, Unscented, and Lavender.Hope that helps!

Bettina L Wilson

I have been using the unscented baking soda deodorant for about 2 months maybe. And I am very pleased. although I did have a slight rash at the beginning but I think it’s because I didn’t detox long enough or it may be the baking soda, so I’m going to try the soda free, and see how it works. With that being said; I must say that this is the best deodorant I’ve every used and it stays with me all day even when I’m working out side. Great stuff!!

Suanne Walters

Caitlin, it appears that the Rosemary Mint Natural Deodorant is NOT available without baking soda. Hopefully they will respond and let you know if they’ll ever carry it.


Happy Almost Friday!

First off I just want to tell you how much I love everything you sell. A friend gave me a slice of her soap to try and I fell in love. That was a year ago and today my whole family has fallen in love with everything that we have tried so far. I just recently purchased samples of the peppermint and rosemary deodorant, with and without baking soda. I was trying to buy the one without baking soda and cannot seem to find it. I am wondering if that is because it’s discontinued? Can’t wait to hear back!

Caitlin Kuehn

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