Goat Milk Soap

Is Bar Soap Covered In Germs?
We are often asked whether or not bar soap is safe to use. Yes, bar soap does come into contact with germs, it is actually the best choice to clean your skin. Find out how a natural goat milk soap bar can clean your skin and still be safe for your skin.
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What Does 'Natural Soap' Mean?
The term 'natural soap' is used a lot today butĀ the phrase is not clearly defined. So it can be difficult to know for sure if your soap is a natural soap. Discover why we believe our soap is a natural soap andĀ the steps we take at Goat Milk Stuff to keep it that way.
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A Guide to Apple Cider Vinegar Rinses
An apple cider vinegar rinse can be helpful during the transition to a natural shampoo like our Shampoo Goat Milk Soaps. But did you know that there are many benefits an ACV rinse can provide your hair? Find out about these benefits and how to do an ACV rinse.
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What Are The Dangers Of Laundry Pods?
Laundry pods were developed to be a simple and convenient part of doing laundry. However, those little pods are packed full of harmful chemicals. Discover how natural Goat Milk Laundry Soap is a safer alternative for your clothes and your family.
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What are the Benefits of Vitamin E?
Skin is entirely made up of cells and experiences a lot of wear and tear as we go through life. Vitamin E is crucial for protecting your cells from damage. The benefits of vitamin E can be found in many sources, including goat milk soap and skincare.
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What are the Benefits of Vitamin K?
Many people have never heard of vitamin K and those who have often overlook it. But vitamin K is essential for many of your body's functions. Discover how you can benefit from vitamin K and how you can even absorb some from goat milk soaps.
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