Jewelweed Goat Milk Soap for Poison Ivy

jewelweed goat milk soap for poison ivy

Jewelweed is a plant that is often used by herbalists to relieve poison ivy symptoms. We wildharvest and process fresh jewelweed and infuse it in oils and then use those to make a jewelweed soap and jewelweed salve. This goat milk soap is safe to use before and after trips into poison ivy infested areas, as well as directly on poison ivy rashes. We do not add any scent to the soap.

Greyden had a swollen poison ivy rash near his eye; he applied the jewelweed salve once a day, and washed with the jewelweed goat milk soapĀ onceĀ a day. (I told him to wash 3 times and apply the salve twice a day, but boys will be boys!)

Within 2 days most of the swelling was completely gone, as was most of the red. You can see the before and after below (we forgot to take the photos til day 5).

Here are a few testimonials from customers who suffered with poison ivy:

"I just wanted to thank you for shipping out my order so quickly. As you can tell from my order - Jewelweed poison ivy soap - it was kind of urgent. The soap is arresting the spread of my husband's poison ivy and helping it to heal. I also loved the caramels you included to try out. They are perfect. Couldn't decide which one I liked the best. I think they would make an excellent addition to your product line. Especially for the holidays. Thank you again and best wishes for a wonderful summer!"
- Betsy

"I want to say Thank you! I am HIGHLY allergic to poison ivy and oak. We purchased a property in the recent months and are trying to get it cleaned up for homesteading. Well it is covered in the lovely stuff green poisonous stuff and I think its trying to kill me. No kidding. I have been covered in blisters and rashes just from looking at the stuff. I ordered a travel size of you jewelweed soap as a recommendation from my Mom. It has saved me! I scrub thoroughly with it (even my hair) after working outside and have yet to have a reaction like before. I may get a hit or miss spot but nothing that can compare to the agony that has been bestowed upon me in the past several months! Ordering a bar this time and will probably do so each month until I can afford a truck load of the stuff! Again tremendous thanks for a wonderful product! PS.. You have a wonderful family :)"
- Kelli

"Back in the winter I ordered "Jewelweed" soap for poison ivy just in case the spring and summer brought on that irritating itch!!!!!! As luck would have it my husband while cutting down trees on our property somehow got into poison ivy. He was skeptical about "a soap taking the itch away" BUT after trying it is sold. He lathers up when the itch comes and has no itch for several hours. He's not using the usual creams for treatment. He's amazed and appreciative. Thanks."
- Louise

"looked up the videos....good thing you have your new soap room....cuz you folks are going to be "BUSY".....also wanted to tell you that I have had poison ivy every summer for as long as I can remember.....used the jewelweed soap I got from you last spring...NO poison Ivy this past summer.....WHOO HOO"
- Teresa

"Thank you so much for your wonderful soaps! My daughter's eczema that we've been battling since she was born vanished after switching to the Purity soap. I got poison ivy for the first time this week and your jewelweed soap stopped the itchy right away. Plus all your soaps smell fantastic! We love watching your videos too. "
- Ashley

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