7 Benefits of Goat Milk Shampoo

Washing hair with natural goat milk shampoo

Today, the clean beauty movement is at an all-time high. For years, natural skincare products have dominated the niche, but now, natural hair care products are bursting onto the scene.

More and more people are trying to avoid harmful chemicals and also overcome hair and scalp issues naturally. They’re joining the clean haircare movement for the same reason people make the shift to clean eating and clean skin care... they’re choosing to avoid harmful chemicals because they want to look and feel their best.

Indigo washing her hair with Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"...Recently I purchased your Tea Tree Shampoo bar for myself due to major scalp issues. I just wanted to let you know my scalp is 90% better. I am so amazed and thankful. My hair stylist also noticed. Once my scalp gets cleared up, I hope to regrow the hair that I have lost. Thank you so much for all of your help and for your awesome product. I tell everyone I know about it!!!!!!" - Nicole H.

In this article, we take a look at the benefits of using high-quality natural shampoo - specifically, goat milk shampoo bars - and how to use it effectively.

7 Goat Milk Shampoo Benefits

Our natural goat milk shampoos are 100% natural, offering your hair numerous benefits such as enhanced scalp health, hair loss prevention, and zero harmful chemicals.

1. Contains Zero Harmful Chemicals

Many commercially available shampoos contain harmful chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can strip your hair of natural oils and potentially lead to health issues.

Other harsh chemicals commonly known to sneak into shampoos and ones you’ll want to avoid are Salicylic acid and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). True, these nasty ingredients are actually what make commercial shampoo so effective. But they come at a cost to your health.

High-quality natural shampoos eliminate these unsafe ingredients, promoting cleaner and safer hair care. All our Goat Milk Stuff Shampoo Bars are 100% free of harsh chemicals. So you don’t need to worry about unhealthy ingredients.

Rosemary Mint Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"I love it more than my salon shampoo!! This Rosemary Mint Shampoo bar works so well - better than my expensive salon shampoo! And, oh my goodness, it smells so good - without being overpowering... Also, since I've been using goat milk soap, shampoo, and lotion and ditched all the chemical body products, I have been sleeping better. Thank you for such wonderful healthy products!" - Naomi G.

2. Prioritizes the Health of Your Scalp

High-quality natural shampoos are great for all hair types, but they’re really great if you have a sensitive scalp. Just like the skin on the rest of your body, the scalp produces natural oils. Chemical compounds found in many name-brand shampoos strip away the scalps' natural oils. When this happens, the scalp's surface can become irritated, dry, and unhealthy.

Natural shampoos, like our goat milk shampoo bars, stimulate the scalp, promote natural oil retention, and condition and unclog hair follicles, which strengthens hair and gives it a fuller look.

3. Helps to Thicken Hair

Commercial shampoos contain chemicals that are made up of waxes, silicones, and other gunk that plug the pores on your head. This results in clogged pores and hair follicles, which results in stunted hair growth.

Natural goat milk shampoos are free of such ingredients, which means that they actually cleanse the scalp, ridding your hair follicles of build-up. With the natural cleaning and unclogging of the hair follicles, new natural shampoo users may experience thicker hair.

Michael holding Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"I have fine long hair. I used GMS shampoo, it was wonderful! My hair and scalp was so clean! My hair had volume!! I never got volume with regular shampoos, even though they were supposed to give volume! I love Goat Milk Shampoo Soap Unscented! It is fantastic!!" - Donna M.

When you first start using natural shampoos, you may initially experience a sticky or matted feeling in your hair. This is due to the fact that natural shampoos pull the built-up chemicals from the scalp up onto the hair shafts. Fortunately, this sensation typically subsides within a few days to a few weeks as you continue using the natural shampoo.

4. Could Help with Hair Loss

There’s a big debate between doctors and aromatherapists on whether or not natural shampoos infused with essential oils can help hair loss. Rosemary in natural shampoo is one of the essential oils this argument is centered around.

Rosemary oil, some claim, is excellent for hair loss. Others think it’s hogwash that any essential oil can improve genetic or autoimmune issues linked to hair loss. We don’t claim either here. We simply want to give you the information as to why we use rosemary in our natural shampoo.

Indigo using Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"Highest rating for this super wonderful shampoo. It is so soothing and lathers very well. Left me feeling so calm and refreshed. Love the smell, love how soft it is. It is wonderful, I love it, I will most definitely order this Rosemary Mint Shampoo again." - Penny M.

Rosemary essential oil is derived from the rosemary plant through a process known as distillation. This essential oil is believed to boast numerous benefits and has been used for centuries to:

  • Improve circulation
  • Relieve pain
  • Eliminate microorganisms like bacteria and fungus
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Provide antioxidant benefits
  • Stimulate cell division
  • Encourage hair growth

Many of these benefits are what contribute to the belief that rosemary essential oil can stimulate hair growth. If you’re not a fan of rosemary, there is another great essential oil that can help you get a healthier scalp and head of hair, which brings us to the next benefit...

5. Can Help Relieve Scalp Psoriasis

Like rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil in natural goat milk shampoos can give your scalp a boost, too - especially when treating scalp psoriasis. Although tea tree oil does not cure scalp psoriasis, it can prevent the buildup of dead skin caused by the disorder.

It can also act as a disinfectant for the scalp when continuous itching occurs due to psoriasis. Plus, tea tree oil can give your scalp a boost of oxygen and a jolt of nutrients to help heal parts of the scalp recovering from scalp psoriasis, which can promote hair regeneration in the affected areas.

Tea Tree Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"I have a condition on my scalp, and no matter what shampoo I use, it does not help, even steroids. Yes, dandruff too. I use tea tree oil on multiple cuts, rashes, etc but never on my hair... When I used Goat Milk Stuff’s Tea Tree Shampoo bar the FIRST time, all the itching, dandruff, pimples, bumps, etc on my scalp, IT WORKED! THANK YOU for this product." - Vickie B.

6. Can Relieve Dandruff

Dandruff can occur for many reasons, including oil buildup on the scalp, irritated skin, or the growth of fungi (due to not washing one’s hair frequently enough). Now, while dandruff may not be as serious a condition as, say, psoriasis; nobody wants to have white flakes falling from their scalp.

Luckily, our natural goat milk shampoos can help. Containing essential oils and natural, moisturizing properties, our shampoo bars can help balance your scalp, eliminating dandruff.

Rosemary Mint Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"I was experiencing scalp irritation from store bought shampoo so decided to give this (Rosemary Mint) shampoo bar a try. Within a week of using it my scalp was better. I love this product. Does not make hair oily, makes it easier to brush out as well." - Mallorie L.

7. Eco-Friendly Choice

Our goat milk shampoo bars are 100% natural, which means that they won’t only benefit your hair but the planet, too. With zero harsh chemicals, our shampoos are less likely to harm water systems, aquatic life, and ecosystems.

Here at Goat Milk Stuff, we make an effort to ship our products with the ecosystem and recycling in mind. The beauty of our natural shampoo bars is that they are packaged in a recyclable cotton bag, not a one-use plastic bottle.

How To Make The Switch To Natural Goat Milk Shampoo Bars

Natural shampoo bars, like those from Goat Milk Stuff, offer a unique alternative. They are free of harsh chemicals and infused with beneficial ingredients like nettle and rosemary.

Now, when it comes to switching from commercial to goat milk shampoo, you cannot expect this natural shampoo to behave in the same way as your typical shampoo.

Of course, adjusting to a natural shampoo may take time. Conventional shampoo products strip natural oils, which means that the scalp may produce excess oil when you first start using our goat milk shampoo bars. Try to be patient and give your scalp time to adjust.

Indigo using Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"...I have very fine hair and I need a shampoo that produces volume with a touch of thickness. So I decided to try your goat milk soap shampoo as well and I'm so happy I did. I love the product Rosemary Mint. It smells good, makes a rich lather and makes my hair shiny and full of volume and easily brushes through. I also dye my hair and the color stays well..." - Lynn P.

How Much Should You Use?

Different people prefer to use the shampoo bar in different ways. Start by swiping the shampoo bar across your hair one or two times for shorter hair or lathering it in your hands and rubbing it onto your scalp for longer hair.

Be sure to massage your scalp while washing to ensure thorough cleansing. The scalp's natural oils protect the hair and prevent breakage, making scalp care as essential as hair care.

How To Use Goat Milk Shampoo

When using the shampoo bar, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, followed by a final rinse with cool water. For added benefits, consider a weekly vinegar rinse using diluted apple cider vinegar in the shower. The vinegar scent will fade as your hair dries.

Hewitt holding Unscented Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"Best (Unscented) shampoo I’ve ever used. It has a pleasant smell, it’s incredibly healthy, cleans hair effectively, and lasts months. Can’t ask for much more than that!" - Samuel K.

Conditioning Your Hair

Many people find that once their scalp and hair have adjusted to the shampoo bar, they no longer need any conditioning. However, if needed, use a pea-sized amount of coconut oil to condition your hair (especially the ends). Of course, everyone's hair is different, so experiment with the amount you use and whether you apply it to wet or dry hair to get the best results for you.

Personally, our family has been using the shampoo bar for years and never needed a conditioner during our original transition period, but one of our customers kindly shared what worked for her as a conditioner:

  • Mix together: 1 TBSP unrefined coconut oil, 1 TBSP raw honey, and ½ tsp ground cinnamon.
  • Wash hair as normal with Goat Milk Soap Shampoo.
  • Rinse well.
  • Massage 1 teaspoon of the mixture into your scalp and through your hair. (Depending on the length and thickness of your hair, you may need to use more or less than 1 teaspoon.)
  • Let sit on your hair for about a minute or two, then rinse well.

The customer who shared this recipe used this as a conditioner during her transition period, as it helped eliminate the "waxy" feeling she experienced. She also said that it restored hair shine and left her hair and scalp healthy.

She did not experience any extra oily-ness after using this mixture, but depending on the length and thickness of your hair, you may need to adjust the amount of the mixture you try.

This recipe is not recommended for daily use but if you love it, it can be used as a weekly treatment.

Unscented Shampoo Goat Milk Soap
"First time using a bar shampoo, it is wonderful. I had been spending $$$ on specialty shampoos, with ingredients I couldn’t pronounce or understand without looking up. This is a relief knowing exactly what is in my shampoo and no plastic to recycle or have to turn up side down to get the last drops because of the cost. And it leaves my hair clean without needing a conditioner because of the oils it contains. I tried the Unscented, next time I probably will try a scented one." - Teri V.

Ready to Switch to Goat Milk Shampoo & Enjoy the Benefits?

Embrace the clean haircare movement with natural goat milk shampoo bars and experience a multitude of benefits. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and welcome enhanced scalp health, thicker hair, and eco-friendliness into your haircare routine.

As you make the switch to natural shampoo, remember to be patient with your scalp's adjustment period. You’ll soon enjoy the benefits of healthier, more vibrant hair.

13 Responses

Sabrina Ryan

Very interested

Linda moll

I have used your shampoo bars before and like them but my problem is static electricity in my hair. Have you guys ever considered making a conditioner bar to go along with your shampoo bars? I would really like to get away from these door bought shampoos and conditioners, I would assume that store bought conditioners can be just as bad for your hair as the shampoos with all the chemicals in them. Any suggestions to help control the static in my hair?

Tina Baird

I received a shampoo bar from my sister in law…was very skeptical!
Very pleasantly surprised! Wonderful! My hair was so soft & no tangles…& that’s with well water…not softened! But…what about…is it color safe for those who color their hair? Also…I used the almond one on my dog…turned out very well! Any info about bathing dogs with it? Thank you. Tina B

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